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About Us

Unlimited improvement for all

PT. Triniti Solusi Kreatifindo, was established since 2001, under State Gazette no. 96, Nov 2001. Based on new regulation UU no. 40, 2007, corporate charter has been amended and approved by Decree of Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia no. AHU-0003477.AH.01.09. Company is running under Business License no. 6216/1.824.51 and, and Outsourcing License no. 09/OIPJ/P/II/2007.

As a service company, our management has a vision to give "unlimited improvement for all", either for shareholders, customers or employees, which is symbolized in our logo.

In pursuing that vision, our mission is "growing together with our customer". We commit to serve our customer with integrity, reliability and creativity focus on both the people and the system that power your business. Dedicated and highly motivated manpower is the key of our ability to deliver high quality services and to get real improvement for our customers.

To achieve it we implement a methodology that combines client's experiences and ours to become a winning thinking system.


We provide the best and most relevant services to our clients.

Management consultant & advisory

• Reengineering Business Process
• Project management
• International Management System - ISO series
• Establishment Trade Business, Design & Implement Trade Training Program, Custom & Tariff.


Hard skill and soft skill training in the form of public training and in house training. Our moduls are designed based on clients needs.

Certification program

International: Individual Recognition Programme
Work together with our UK partner International Consultant will help you to Train and Develop HR Competencies, Assessment & Development center provide International Recognition Program with the topic off: Leadership and Management program, Coaching and Mentoring, Train the trainer, Assessor and Verifier.
National Program accredited by BNSP :
Certification of Service Quality – Junior, Senior, Supervisor

Human resources services








Our Clients

Our clients come from both the public sector and the private sector across industries.

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik
Banking and other financial institutions
Image by fanjianhua on Freepik
Real estate
Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik
Image by Freepik
Image by partystock on Freepik
Image by our-team on Freepik


Our help center always open for business. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, we’re here to lend a hand.


Intiland Tower, Annexe Building 7th Floor


+62 21 5785 3468

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